The school is affiliated to CBSE, Delhi and students are taught NCERT & CBSE curriculum. The curriculum is interactive, child centered, activity based and joyful.
To imbibe and inculcate higher values among the students, value education has been made an integral part of the curriculum. Moral speeches and lectures are regularly delivered by staff, students and guests in the morning assembly.
RKBS has spacious, ventilated class rooms with well designed comfortable furniture and large sized Display & Green boards.
The progress of the school depends on the quality of the staff. The school has appointed exceptionally qualified, talented, highly motivated, resourceful and dedicated staff with excellent qualifications and experience. They are fluent in English and well versed in etiquettes and manners.
Medical services are provided to our students. Each and every student undergoes medical check-up twice a year.
On account of any reason, if any damage of school property is done by any student, the parents shall bear the loss fully. If any student is found unmanageable/indisciplined, his/her name shall be struck off from the rolls after due notice to the parents.